Unlimited free messages
eBuddy XMS is free! It uses your Internet connection, which means you can easily share unlimited messages with your XMS contacts. Whether it's your neighbor or a friend at the other side of the world. You can XMS all you want. Use the 100+ emoticons to express yourself in any way you want.
Connect to your friends
eBuddy XMS helps you to connect to all your friends. XMS users that are already in your phone book are added automatically your XMS contact list. Better still, you can link to your Facebook account to find even more friends.
Messaging you can count on
You always know when your messaging has been sent and read. The dark dot tells you that your message has been sent. When the checkmark shows up, you know that your XMS friend has read your message.
You'll enjoy stable performance, since eBuddy XMS is built by the messaging pros at eBuddy. We have experience in mobile messaging and are processing over 17 billion messages each month.
There is more to come…
We are working hard to add more platforms and features. Like our Facebook page and you'll be the first to know!
Download eBuddy XMS now!
eBuddy XMS is free! It uses your Internet connection, which means you can easily share unlimited messages with your XMS contacts. Whether it's your neighbor or a friend at the other side of the world. You can XMS all you want. Use the 100+ emoticons to express yourself in any way you want.
Connect to your friends
eBuddy XMS helps you to connect to all your friends. XMS users that are already in your phone book are added automatically your XMS contact list. Better still, you can link to your Facebook account to find even more friends.
Messaging you can count on
You always know when your messaging has been sent and read. The dark dot tells you that your message has been sent. When the checkmark shows up, you know that your XMS friend has read your message.
You'll enjoy stable performance, since eBuddy XMS is built by the messaging pros at eBuddy. We have experience in mobile messaging and are processing over 17 billion messages each month.
There is more to come…
We are working hard to add more platforms and features. Like our Facebook page and you'll be the first to know!
Download eBuddy XMS now!
بعض مميزات التطبيق الرائعة والتي تجعله أحد أقوى تطبيقات المحادثة وأفضلها ..
● مجاني ويستعين باتصالك بالانترنت لإرسال الرسائل بشكل سريع وإلى أي مكان وبلا حدود● إمكانية إرسال الصور والفيديوهات والموقع الجغرافي وغير ذلك
● توفر المجموعات .. فيمكنك المحادثة في مجموعة مع أصدقائك و مجموعة أخرى مع عائلتك وهكذا
● توفر أكثر من 100 ابتسامات ورموز المشاعر ..
● يمكنك إضافة الأصدقاء عن طريق رقم الجوال أو رمزهم في البرنامج أو حسابهم في الفيسبوك أو قوقل ..
● معرفة ما إذا كانت الرسالة في الطريق أو وصلت للجهاز أو تم قراءتها
● إمكانية ربط حسابك في البرنامج بحسابك في الفيسبوك
● المرونة والسهولة في التعامل مع خواص البرنامج
تحميل برنامج eBuddy XMS لارسال الرسائل sms مجانا
تنزيل برنامج eBuddy XMS للمحادثة
برنامج eBuddy XMS لارسال الرسائل
رابط تحميل eBuddy XMS برنامج الاى بودى لارسال الرسائل
Type :sis
حمل من هنا
لتحميل البرنامج من هنا رابط سريع Click here to download
لتحميل البرنامج من هنا Click here to download
للمزيد من التطبيقات ادخل هنااااااااااااااا
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